Upcoming Events
What’s Coming in 2025?
Carting is a fun heritage activity for your Bouviers and you. A pamphlet on Bouv carting by Ann Schallert is on the carting page, and practice groups are available near Seattle, Portland and Spokane. Look for our trials near Salem late in the spring and near Spokane late in the summer.
Conformation is about dogs in the show ring but as much about appreciating the best in Bouvier structure and movement and visiting with friends in the grooming area and ringside. Check the AKC calendar for conformation events, if you want to see Bouviers grooming and in the ring. See the Specialty page for more information about the Club’s annual Specialty show.
The Scent Work folks have held trials, and their last event was an Odor Recognition Trial (ORT) in Sequim, WA. Look for more about scent work on the Scent Work page.
Farm Dog Certification had been run by the Club as part of the Greater Clark County Kennel Club Performance Days. While we no longer run the event, it and other opportunities for this are on the AKC Events search page.
Fast CAT is the fastest growing AKC performance event. In 2025 we hope to partner with the Aphghan folks to hold a Fast CAT even April 19 and 20. Read more about this sport on the AKC website (https://www.akc.org/sports/coursing/fast-cat/), and check about the fastest Bouviers - several came from our CLub.
Herding, along with carting, are our the breed’s heritage events. Several Club dogs are doing herding, and it is a lovely thing to watch them work livestock. Check the training resources if you want to learn more about this activity.
You tell us what you want. Currently, the Club has Committees on activities where we hold annual events. We did not have a Committee for all the other companion (agility, rally, obedience) and performance activities (herding, lure coursing, Fast CAT, and others). Larry Markus has agreed to take on leading the Club’s newest Activity Committee. The new committee is a resource for suggestions about activities, recruiting volunteers, and identifying speakers for Club zoom meetings. If you have ideas for events, just send in one of this website’s Contact Us forms, and it will get to Larry.
There are many sites on Facebook where you can access information about upcoming events:
You might start at the Club's Facebook page Columbia Bouvier des Flandres group site and explore other pages of interest such as:
Pacific NorthWest (PNW) Herding Connection
Pacific Northwest Nose Work
NW Dog Events
Friends That Like AKC Scent Work
Search any dog activity, and you can probably find a group, and while you are at it, search Bouvier and you will find a bunch of sites with pictures of Bouviers and their owners. The American Bouvier des Flandres Club has a website and Facebook page.
Portland's Spot magazine has a calendar of events.
A comparable site for Washington.
For AKC related events, you can search their calendar.
CBdFC Carting Trial
CBdFC Carting Trial August 29 and 30, 2020. Each day an American Bouvier des Flandres carting test and a North American Working Bouvier carting trial. Premium is attached.
This trial will be held in a COVID-19 responsible manner. Social distancing guidelines will be followed at all times. If new COVID-19 restrictions require cancellation, we will refund entries in full. As we get closer to the event date, we will outline the specific guidelines to conform to regional and national health policies. See the Premium for additional details.
If you are interested in volunteering (we have lots of jobs, and it is a great way for spectators to be involved) contact the cart test secretary listed in the Premium.
Pre-entries open July 1st and must be received by August 20th, and they will be accepted by mail or email. Space permitting, entries will be accepted on the day of the Test and Trial.
Location: Sontag Park 9808 W Charles Rd. Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026